The 'Fired Up' 2024 Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Exhibition and Convention hosted by APAT NSW is fast approaching. The convention will take place from 23rd and 26th October 2024 in Cronulla at the Rydges Cronulla Beachside Hotel.
APAT NSW have a website exclusively dedicated to the 2024 Australasian Porcelain Art Convention. It is easy to navigate with comprehensive details about guest and featured artists, the mini-workshops, demonstrations and other events plus booking details - follow the link below:
More news and information can be found in the latest edition of 'Fired Up' - Open Medium Magazine which was recently distributed to members. For any additional information please contact APAT NSW or contact us.
The Albany Porcelain Art Workshop group held their final workshop for the year on 10th, 11th and 12th September at the clubhouse of the Albany Veteran Car Club just outside Albany.
The tutor was Perth artist Anne Blake and the subject for the class was 'Designing for a Divided Background'.
Students designed a full length feature to divide their porcelain piece, the background area was effectively split into two sections. Each sections was then treated using contrasting finishes one of which gave an interesting 'brocade' effect and the other a darker contrasting colour.
Students enjoyed three days of industrious painting and produced a variety of attractive pieces. Sincere thanks to Group president Brenda Caelli and committee Barbara Southall and Ruth Hansen for a very enjoyable and well-organised three days of painting.
Shown top Frangipanni oblong plate painted by Anne Blake
above rightt: Class students - L to R - Julie, Lynne, Barbara, Brenda and Diane.
Right: class projects by Lynne and Ruth (unfinished)
PAWA (formerly WA Guild) celebrated their 60th Anniversary of foundation, holding a special exhibition at The Palms Community Centre in Subiaco from 3rd to 5th May. There was a special opening event on Friday evening 3rd May.
The theme for the exhibition was 'Imaginality', and besides the exhibition pieces there was also a sales area featuring pieces painted between 1964 and 2024. A large number of hand painted porcelain pieces were on display, both traditional and modern designs, with a wide variety of subject matter. Artists from both Metro and Country areas participated including many APAT members. Many people took advantage of the beautiful autumn weather to visit the exhibition.
The PAWA award for the best collection in the Exhibition section went to 'Perceptions' A collection by Christine Munro. There was also a special display of WA pieces from PAWA’s 'Collectables' vintage pieces.
More photos and commentary is available on the website of Anne Blake visit -
Congratulations to the President and PAWA Committee for a beautiful display and exhibition. For further information about the Porcelain Artists of WA visit their Facebook page.
Shown above right: collection by Christine Munro
Shown above left: collection by Dee Credaro
It is with sadness we report the recent passing of Betty Schreck. Betty was a Life Member of APAT-WA, joining the organisation in 1994. She held several positions over the years including President. She received Life Membership in 2010.
Betty passed away at home following a spell in hospital for a fall which had broken her hip.
Our sincere condolences and thoughts go out to Betty’s family.
APAT WA held a three-day workshop in February with artist and APAT member Connie Risbey. Titled 'The Bling Workshop' it was held across three days in February.
Connie shared her considerable expertise to show students various ways to decorate jewellery and small porcelain pieces. Many techniques were demonstrated including the application of lustre, piping raised past to created line effects, application of decals, use of gold on design, as well as painting and various relief work. Some pieces were to be finished with glued on decorations.
Despite the hot weather, students enjoyed three industrious days producing some diverse and intricate pieces.
Many thanks go to Connie for sharing her considerable knowledge. Also a thank you to APAT WA for organising the successful event!
shown at top - Connie demonstrating;
below - students at class with their work;
also shown - various porcelain pieces painted by Connie Risbey
At the February AGM members voted to change the membership categories of APAT-WA. Full membership i.e. members actively teaching remains unchanged. The categories of Associate Member and Friend of APAT have been discontinued and replaced by Affiliate Membership.
To read more or to download applications forms visit the About Us page.