APAT masthead

Irises platter hand painted by Judith Standing


APAT Western Australia is a not-for-profit association and affiliated member of the Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Association.


A not-for-profit organisation, it was formed in 1967 to support teachers of china painting in Western Australia. Its mission is to foster closer relationships between teachers and to hold working exhibitions aimed at producing higher standards, the adoption of new products and techniques and to generally improve the art of porcelain painting.


APAT WA holds regular meetings, publishes six newsletters per year, organises porcelain painting workshops and holds exhibitions and sales of work including their bi-annual regional exhibition.


APAT WA welcomes enquiries regarding membership - both full and associate. For more information see the About Page or Contact Us.


shown above Irises Platter by Judith Standing





PAWAs 60th Anniversary Exhibition
Report on Porcelain Artists of WA 60th Anniversary Exhibition held on 3rd to 5th May, 2024. Read report..


February Workshop
APAT WA held their first workshop for 2024 - "The Bling Workshop" with tutor Connie Risbey in February, Read report..


2024 Perth Royal Show

The Royal Show will be held between 21-28 September at the Perth Showground. Entries in the China Painting section close on 28th July. For additional information or to download the schedule follow this link:


2024 Fired Up - National APAT Exhibition & Convention

Arrangements are well underway for the 2024 Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers Exhibition and Convention to be hosted by APAT NSW. The convention will take place from 23rd and 26th October 2024 in Cronulla at the Rydges Cronulla Beachside Hotel. Read More..


Changes to APAT Membership Categories

Important changes have been made to APAT WA membership categories. Affiliate members are now welcome. Read more....


For other news and events visit the News Page.




August 3
General Meeting
10 to 12
Anne Blake - 3-day workshop
Subject: Designing for a Divided Background
Porcelain Art Workshop Albany
21 to 28
Perth Royal Show

For details visit Calendar and Events Page

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